It’s time, once again, to put boom in your boom and listen to BRB Boom. This week, Dogsdie, Smelly Pirate and Yoshifett nerd out about games that switch genres, Torchlight 2, Extra Life, the deal of the week and other topics that affect today’s gamer.
Please be sure to subscribe to the BRB Boom feed on iTunes or RSS. If you insist, you can always just download the mp3. If you are currently using a computer with iTunes on it, would you mind heading over there and leaving some feedback?
Awesome episode as always fellas! Loved how u started the new song, starting it is the new finishing it 😀 As usual I’m anticipating the next episode!
I worry about the Boom Show. It doesn’t seem like it’s old self. The energy just isn’t there at the moment. I love you guys and hope you get your mojo back.
All the very best, Steam
MMOs are not on the decline Dogs, WoW is. The reason so few people bought the panda expansion is because Guild Wars 2 is in now, and pandas wont bring people back.
GW2 sold so many copies at the start that they had to stop selling the DIGITAL COPIES. Digital Copies were literally sold out until they could make more space for everyone. It takes all the things that are terrible about MMOs, things that make them inconvenient, boring and grindy, and removes them. So much better than WoW. So, so much better.
So yeah, not on the decline, everyone is just moving on to a better game