Home » Geek Speak 21: Bargain Snake vs Virgin Unicorn

Geek Speak 21: Bargain Snake vs Virgin Unicorn

Hi… Oh, hello there! Give us one sec, we need some caffeine! Welcome to the post Extra Life episode of BRB Geek Speak. All of us are just a little bit – an understatement of the year – tired after a 24 hour gaming marathon. Lauren is a bit sleepy, Alex is loosing her voice and Mon is… where is Mon?! Don’t worry, we were prepared and managed to secure an amazing guest in Josh from Oh No! Video Games! Nothing can stop us from geeking about all the geeky things in this geekyverse! MUHAHA! Please join us this week as Lauren, Josh and Alex ramble on about:

  • Weird Find(s) Of The Week – Star-Lord Dance Off gif and Excel Saga anime
  • We talk all things Extra Life:
    • Lauren’s Twitch channel: Clicky
    • Alex’s Twitch channel: Clicky
    • If you want to donate to Big Red Barrel team, you still can: Clicky
  • Josh talks Dota 2 (and we find out why he is not allowed to talk about Dota on his own podcast!)
  • Duelyst, check it out here!
  • Alex talks talk about Rogues of The Republic series by Patrick Weekes
  • Listener’s question: What kind of Poke Ball would we live in? (Thank you, TheBarrelInTheRoom) If anyone was wondering about butt shaped lamps, here you go! (NSFW warning)
  • Listener’s question: How to make complicated cosplays comfortable? (Thank you, BleezyBoy)
  • Listener’s question: What do we think about Warcraft trailer? (Thank you, Diarmuid)
  • Big Red Barrel will bring board games to London Gaming Market – come say HI! Correction, the entry tickets are £5 before 12pm and £2 after 12pm
  • We also talk about Frankenstein’s Bodies board game (they will be at London game market as well!)
We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show.  For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes or RSS and stay up to date.


  1. Great show ladies and sir! I think “poke-Monica” needs to answer the pokeball question because reasons such as her nickname.

    I’d like to give Waterstones an SG Brown style F U: went to see if they had The Palace Job before waiting for my appt and they didn’t have it *shakes fist*

  2. Yeah, I thought it might not be there but thought I may as well give it a shot. It sounds really intriguing and not just for the unicorn XD read a lot of heavier stuff lately so sounds like a good choice to go for! Badass female leads are the best ^^


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