For those not in the know, Extra Life and its founder, Jeremy ‘Doc’ Adams, are both held in very high regard and kept near and dear to our Big Red hearts. In recent years Extra Life has grown exponentially, to the point where it made over $4 million last year alone. This week saw an update to information regarding the collecting of donations from outside of the USA. It was not the best news for international participants. I include the full wording of this update below, just to help spread the word and so people know, not only the information, but also recognize the amount of effort put into this â and in the extreme example where we may be lucky enough that this is seen by exactly the right person, perhaps even help find a solution to the situation.
I have always argued that it really should not matter where in the world you save the life of a child, but I know that for people in a similar position to me (being an avid, but not rich, supporter of Extra Life trying to collect money in the UK) that not being able to collect money for a local hospital will likely limit your ability to fundraise.
I will also have to admit something that I have not confessed elsewhere. No matter how worthy the cause, I am terrible at asking other people for money; even in cases where they have pledged it. In previous years, whenever I have been able to afford it, I have been the main financial backer of my Extra Life fundraising. This year I will be more honest about that being the case and will be openly sponsoring myself $200 to get the ball rolling. I am not looking for sympathy, especially as I often use Extra Life as a good excuse to catch up with my Pile of Shame and I have never been as proactive in doing some of the great things that my BRB cohorts have done to raise funds and awareness in recent years â with Jon playing Rock Band for 24 hours or Kev inflicting 24 hours of Dark Souls upon himself â but donations will be greatly received.
[youtube id=”eb6PpZ6Ai2M”]
I also want to take a minute to acknowledge Doc in all of this. Yes, this may come at a time when we have to share some bad news, but if we are to revel in your victories, it seems only right that we help to rally the troops in your tougher times. I also have some knowledge of just how much time and effort Doc has put into this, as I briefly spoke to him about it at last year’s E3 â even at that point it had been a long running issue that visibly weighed on his conscience. Even without Doc openly stating that he feels guilt for not finding an effective solution in time, I know him well enough to know he will take this to heart and take it as a slight against himself. Please don’t. We couldn’t be prouder of everything you have gone on to achieve with Extra Life, Doc. Victoria couldn’t be prouder. Extra Life is a gift to the world – a miraculous gift from you and Victoria that thousands of children inside and outside of America have directly benefitted from. If international participation isn’t sorted by this time, then it simply wasn’t possible. You already achieve the impossible on a yearly basis, it just may be that more than once a year is too much to ask of one man. I can only hope to give you the help your efforts deserve. Thank you.
Extra Life 2014 is on Saturday 25th October. Many games feature you as the hero. On the 25th October, you get the chance to step up and actually be a hero for a day.
[youtube id=”24pO4h4npgE”]