Blog Archives

Review: Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm

Almost 3 years after the release of Starcraft II: Wings on Liberty, Blizzard’s now takes on the Zerg story line in the much anticipated expansion Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm.

BRB UK 50: Second Base With Sony

Ahoy hoy! It’s (finally) back to normal service this week in BRB UK towers, as Dan’s had the 21st Century plumbed back into his house – just in time for the big PS4 event.

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Chris Shooter contemplates: Gods are very very busy beings – they don’t have time to look after the little details – this is why reincarnation has now been outsourced to Blizzard…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Guest what game Chris Shooter is playing a lot of at the moment? Here is a clue: click clickerty click click clickerty click click click clicky clicky click…

Diablo III Review

The Diablo games have been standards in hack-and-slash dungeon crawling since the release of the first game way back in January 1997. It’s a game that many gamers, myself included, have lost many days and weeks to over the past 15 years.

Battling Gaming’s Double Standards

Addiction. It’s a dirty word for good reason. Gambling addictions leave people bankrupt. Substance addictions destroy lives. However, it’s often misused to put down certain games and the people that enjoy them.

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