Welcome to another episode of Geek Speak, a true episode 95.
This time Alex, Jo and Diarmuid come together to talk about awesome events, great games, abysmal movies and more.
Tune in for chat about:
- Time-Waster of the Week: Knights of Pen and Paper 2 (courtesy of Richard Kirke)
- Overwatch Update
- Stylosa’s video on Overwatch SR and MMR
- Okja
- West End Live
- Mass Effect: Andromeda – briefly
- Dishonoured 2
- Transformers… number… eh, that last one
The usual links:
- Join BRB Gamer Nights Group on Facebook
- Join TabletopTuesday Meetup and Instagram page
- Watch Cookies & Booze Alien: Isolation playthrough on BRBTV on YouTube
- Join Cookies & Booze stream every Sunday at 9pm UK Time
Our logo is courtesy of Monica Ion.
Thanks you lovely Geek Peeps for giving our little show a listen, we really appreciate it. Did you know that you can download this butt-laden episode by clicking HERE to receive a lovely MP3 of the show? You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS feed or Stitcher and get all our new shows delivered automatically as they’re released.
The Q?!
How was the episode title now “Alex: Okay okay, I have my boner now.” ?!
Cracking episode!
Diarmuid’s part about toxic players reminded me of a podcast from one of the League of Legends bods on how they’re are dealing with the issue, without immediately using the ban hammer. I couldn’t find the podacst itself, but I did find the article it came from:
*puts dusty Overwatch disk back in PS4*