It’s been a hot minute, but the Big Red Barrelcast is back!
This week, Pacman, Kev, and Dave join forces to jabber on about:
- Star Dew Valley
- Last Guardian
- Final Fantasy XV
- Halo Wars
- Tracer
- Crytek
- Nintendo Switch specs
- Game demos
- Games with Christmas in them
- Dead Rising 4
- Shoutouts
We’d love to give you all some sort of incredible hug immediately followed by a polite conversation about how cool you are, but frankly, we can’t afford the travel expenses. So, while we save our pennies, cents, and whatever the heck Canadians use, we’ll offer you some download links to help bide the time. Subscribe here. Here’s the RSS feed. Leave an iTunes review here. Download the mp3 here.
Corrections: The PS+ Lineup for January we mentioned on the show was actually for January 2016 not 2017.
The proper list is:
Day of The Tentacle Remastered (Cross buy on PS Vita) and This War of Mine: The Little Ones for PS4.
Blazerush and The Swindle (Cross Buy on PS4 and PS Vita) for PS3.
Azkend 2 and Titan Souls (Cross Buy on PS4) for the Vita.
I also misspoke and said $15 million instead of $50 million when referring to the League of Legends Deal Signed Between Riot Games and MLB Advanced Media.
What was the WW2 themed strat game that PacMan briefly discussed towards the end?
Hearts of Iron IV