Welcome back to BRB Blu, the premier Sony podcast from BigRedBarrel.com. This week Rothbart, PacManPolarBear and Frawlz discuss Resistance: Burning Skies, Max Payne 3, Doom 3 BFG Edition, PS3’s Ultimate Deals, da roomahs and a few more nuggets of Sony goodness. There’s bonus content for BRB iPhone and Android app users.
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Frawlz was right about Max Payne 3. Amazing game, but I did feel like it was taking over for me too often.
Pepe Thunder
Frawlz was right!? Amazing…
Pepe Thunder
I have heard of games using DX11 not for adding more effects necesarily but instead to improve performance. Do you think that if a new console gen came out and just updated their GPUs that it would make a big enough difference while keeping costs down? I ask this because i have a Q4400 and a GTX 280 and it stil cranks games at full graphics with very minor issues if any. It seems to me CPU’s would not be an issue.