It’s the lucky 13th episode of BRB UK, so Dan, Jon and Tim are very superstitious and have noted that not only is the writing on the wall, a ladder’s also about to fall. So join your favourite blathering Brits as they try and make their way through another week of gaming news without falling foul of a bout of triskaidekaphobia.
- EA Announces Dead Space 3
- Blockbuster UK’s VIP Gamer Rewards Scheme
- Fable Heroes (XBLA)
- Twisted Metal (PS3)
- Awesomenauts (XBLA / PSN)
- Trainz (iPad)
- There’s been a Wii (U) leak
- The Great British Debate: Have publishers forgotten about E3?
- COMPETITION: Win a copy of Awesomenauts for the PS3!
There’s also some extra audio goodness for you lucky scamps who are proud owners of BRB Podcast App – available for Android and the iThing of your choosing.
Best debtate ever! That is all.
Also, does the train loving Face of the Internet partake in the forums (as I don’t have teh Twitters) and I wondered if he’d partaken in the game OpenTTD?
And thank you for the love Dan, and the podcast shaped barrel () of laughs!
If I were an Awesomnaut I think I must be….
BUMPKIN: An Alcoholic west country scare crow, ranged attacks where he throws his pumpkin head that explodes and sends a murder of crows as a finishing move. Melee attacks where he smashes you over the head with a scrumpy bottle.
I also have just treated myself to a PS3! DC BLADE (again, same as 360)
Drunken- Nought, pissed- nought, intoxicatinouht….