Home ยป BRB UK 13: Triskaidekaphobianauts

BRB UK 13: Triskaidekaphobianauts

It’s the lucky 13th episode of BRB UK, so Dan, Jon and Tim are very superstitious and have noted that not only is the writing on the wall, a ladder’s also about to fall. So join your favourite blathering Brits as they try and make their way through another week of gaming news without falling foul of a bout of triskaidekaphobia.

  • EA Announces Dead Space 3
  • Blockbuster UK’s VIP Gamer Rewards Scheme
  • Fable Heroes (XBLA)
  • Twisted Metal (PS3)
  • Awesomenauts (XBLA / PSN)
  • Trainz (iPad)
  • There’s been a Wii (U) leak
  • The Great British Debate: Have publishers forgotten about E3?
  • COMPETITION: Win a copy of Awesomenauts for the PS3!
There’s also some extra audio goodness for you lucky scamps who are proud owners of BRB Podcast App – available for Android and the iThing of your choosing.
We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show.  For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.


  1. Best debtate ever! That is all.

    Also, does the train loving Face of the Internet partake in the forums (as I don’t have teh Twitters) and I wondered if he’d partaken in the game OpenTTD?

    And thank you for the love Dan, and the podcast shaped barrel () of laughs!

  2. If I were an Awesomnaut I think I must be….

    BUMPKIN: An Alcoholic west country scare crow, ranged attacks where he throws his pumpkin head that explodes and sends a murder of crows as a finishing move. Melee attacks where he smashes you over the head with a scrumpy bottle.

    I also have just treated myself to a PS3! DC BLADE (again, same as 360)

  3. Drunken- Nought, pissed- nought, intoxicatinouht….


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