Hello there!
There is a brand new episode of BRB Geek Speak ready for you, and once again, we were lucky to secure an amazing guest for this episode – Bev from Tinkerbot Games and Talking Tinkerbots podcast. Together with Lauren and Alex, they discuss geeky things close to their hearts, including:
- Time-Waster of the Week: Firewatch GDC talk with Jane Ng. Presentation 1. Presentation 2. Also Sombra Overwatch animated short.
- Video Games as Board Games, including
- Mech vs. Minions
- X-COM The Board Game
- The Witcher Adventure Game
- BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia
- Portal: the Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game
- The Mega Man: the Board Game
- Extra Life
- Ghostel
- The Tower of Tolroth
- Diablo III news with Lauren, the badass
- We talk more about cons.
- Shout out: Check out The Unflushable’s YouTube Channel
Thanks you lovely Geek Peeps for giving our little show a listen, we really appreciate it. Did you know that you can download this butt-laden episode by clicking HERE to receive a lovely MP3 of the show? You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS feed or Stitcher and get all our new shows delivered automatically as they’re released.