Home » Comics Inc 17: (The Long) Halloween Special

Comics Inc 17: (The Long) Halloween Special

It’s Goth Christmas, and to celebrate this spookiest of holidays Rik and Reuben have decided to sit in the pumpkin path and read one of the most influential Batman comics of all time – The Long Halloween.

But before that our ghostly geezers have a a little bit to say about Swamp Thing, the new DC series now streaming on Amazon Prime in the UK.

It’s a whole lot of comic content to fit into 60 minutes but somehow our heroes manage it. Did they use Pym Particles or was it something else entirely? You’ll just have to listen to find out!

We are incredibly honoured that you’ve decided to check this little show about the world of comic culture our for yourself. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunesRSS, Spotify or YouTube and stay up to date.

1 Comment

  1. I very much agree re: Swamp Thing. DC did it wrong, and the fact it only went one season wasn’t due to the quality of the series.


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