Cooler than a Penguin’s bum sitting on the ice, it’s another episode of the Big Red Barrel UK Podcast.
While Dan‘s away working his new job, Coleman and Tim have gone it alone for a two man show. So of course, expect all the rambling from these two and then some more including:
- Scribblenauts‘ 5th Cell faces lay-offs
- Driveclub‘s Evolution Studios closes its doors
- Rumoured leaked Nintendo NX controller photos surface – Note: this has since been revealed to be a hoax but we didn’t know this at the time of recording
- Is Sony’s PlayStation 4K real?
- PlayStation Plus and Xbox Games with Gold reveals
- And so much more…
We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Stitcher and stay up to date.
Ridcullys Hat
Good show chaps. I’d like to add to the quantum break chat. I, when I first saw it waaaaayyy back at the beginning likes the look of it. Then, I got really bored of all the gumpf and the idea of the tv show etc…and now I’ve ended up pre ordering it as for some reason I’m liking the idea of it all again. Plus, apparently in-between episodes/levels, the tv bits will run so I’ll have time to make a cup of tea, have a scone or make a sandwich and then after my break I can play a game. Its perfectly set up for people that like to stay hydrated and well fed while gaming.