Home » BRB UK 307: Sasquatch Egomaniac

BRB UK 307: Sasquatch Egomaniac

Howdy listeners, damn you’re all looking so fine today… HOT DAMN!

We’re down a Coleman today because he forgot how schedules work but that just means that we’ve nabbed that sexually charged Irishman known as Diarmuid to jump in this week. Joined by a returning Tim and an ever so slightly posher than usual Dan, our heroes will be forming some kind of video game based Voltron of knowledge (yes, we’re rambling at this point).

Up for discussion on this week’s show:

  • Microsoft reveals Xbox All Access
  • Ninty announces more Nindies
  • Streets of Rage 4 announced (why so soon?)
  • Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay video released to the public
  • Tim goes back to his Dreamcast glory days with Shenmue HD
  • Did you know that Dan is still playing Destiny 2?
  • Diarmuid delves into the wonderful Strange Brigade

Thank you so much for your continued support, we truly couldn’t have kept going for this long without the best audience we could possibly wish for. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Spotify and stay up to date.

Written by
Podcast voice guy, occasional animator and sometimes I even write words for you to read

1 Comment

  1. Sorry I’m late, been busy with children on summer hols and uni exams. Essays, research and the like. Good podcast of goodness and although shenmue was a game I always wanted to try, it’s probably more of interest for the historic purpose than for me to put all that time into.


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