Hello and welcome back to another episode of BRB Geek Speak. We have been busy with the awesomeness that EGX Rezzed this week. You can hear Lauren and Alex talk more about it on a very special BRB UK episode. In this episode we talk a little bit more about Rezzed, card games, dating sims and some very questionable erotica fan fiction. Please join Lauren, Monica and Alex as they ramble about:
- Time-waster of the Week: Miitomo
- More from EGX Rezzed:
- What Remains of Edith Finch
- Shadow Hand, episode of BRB UK from EGX with game devs here
- Deckbound Heroes and Deckbound Quest
- Clash Royale / Netrunner / Marver Dice Masters
- Dragon Age & Star Wars: An Interactive Erotic
- Regency Love / Love! Sushi Rangers – Choose your target (sushi?)!
- #Chairgate
- Join our new Big Red Barrel Facebook group for gamernights!
Thanks you lovely Geek Peeps for giving our little show a listen, we really appreciate it. Did you know that you can download this butt-laden episode by clicking HERE to receive a lovely MP3 of the show? You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS feed or Stitcher and get all our new shows delivered automatically as they’re released.
Romance games involving non humans must be more popular that I thought… My first experience
/witnessing them as Hatoful Boyfriend…
You can’t deny that despite the”iinteractive”/quality of the DA & SW shenanigans, you got some entertainment out of it ;] just maybe not as the writer intended… I’m glad Mon did the tough job and at least provided the closure that all roads lead to fingers.