Hello there!
We had a bit of an Extra Life break, and now Geek Speak is back in force. Lauren, Alex, and Jo chat about latest geeky news, failing not to get sidetracked by the beautiful man that is Taika Waititi. Also, we recorded in the morning again, so there were some opinions.
They ramble about:
- Time-Waster of the Week: Weta Workshop – Blade Runner 2049 Miniatures
- More Wars in Our Stars. We discuss a new Star Wars trilogy in the works.
- EA bought Respawn Entertainment
- Telltale Games layoff staff
- Sexual allegations continue
- Deadpool Thanksgiving, Good Housekeeping spread
- Hunt for the Wilderpeople
- What We Do in the Shadows
- A Cure for Wellness
- MCM London
- Extra Life
- Mass Effect: Andromeda
- The Little Acre
- Destiny 2 Raid
- Life Is Strange: Before the Storm
- What Remains of Edith Finch
- Jamie’s Twitch Channel
The usual links:
- Listen to Geek Speak Spotify’s playlist here
- Join Destiny 2 BRB Clan here
- Join BRB Gamer Nights Group on Facebook
- Join TabletopTuesday Meetup and Instagram page
- Watch Cookies & Booze Resident Evil 7: Biohazard playthrough on BRBTV on YouTube
- Join Cookies & Booze stream every Sunday at 9 pm UK Time
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