Home » Geek Speak 34: Tepig or Teapig?

Geek Speak 34: Tepig or Teapig?

Hello there, it’s another week and another episode of BRB Geek Speak! This week is a little bit video game heavy (Specifically Pokémon), although we also did get to chat about music.

So listen on while your hosts Vaporeon  (Lauren), Gloom (Monica) and Vulpix (Alex) geek out about things they have done this week, including:

  • Time-Waster of the Week: HISHE (How it Should Have Ended)
  • You, Me and the Apocalypse
  • Pokémon, Pokémon and more Pokémon
  • Might and Magic Heroes VII
  • BAFTA’s Virtual Reality Showcase – Crafting Story in VR; nDreams presentation about their game The Assembly
  • Listener’s Question: Are there any games that you wish would be re-released, completely unchanged gameplay wise, with better models and textures? (Thank you, Bleezeyboy!)
  • Listener’s Question:  What sort of music do we like and what is the last album we listened to by choice? (Thank you, King William of Butt-topia)


Thank you to all who participated in the competition. We really loved reading all your answers. The list of winners is below:

  • Mon’s prize: drawing of your avatar; winner Bleezeyboy
  • Alex’s prize: 3 Volumes of The Walked Dead comic; winner Spikeychris
  • Lauren’s prize: SURPRISE; winner King William of Butt-topia

Please get in touch with us, so we could get the prizes over to you!

Thanks you lovely Geek Peeps for giving our little show a listen, we really appreciate it. Did you know that you can download this butt-laden episode by clicking HERE to receive a lovely MP3 of the show? You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS feed or Stitcher and get all our new shows delivered automatically as they’re released.

Monica likes to draw while we are recording. Here’s her image for this episode:


1 Comment

  1. Hot-dog!!! I can’t believe it! I never win anything! Thank you so much.
    I am super excited yet terrified about what I may receive in the post. Especially after you said “prizes don’t have to be good,” Lauren. But cannot wait non the less.
    Where would you like me to send my details?
    Some awesome choices of music among you three. Apart from Justin Bieber. Shame on you, Monica. Shame on you. But you are a frigging amazing artist so I’ll let it slide. The picture above is so cool. A little jealous of Bleezeyboy’s prize. Winning the Walking Dead books would be cool but I already have them. Though *wispers “you’re my Alex. Your accent is super sexy”
    Anyway… Thank you again. Can’t wait!


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