Hello there, lovely listeners. This is BRB Geek Speak, we are back this week with another episode of geeking out about all of the things and all of the games! This week are on the search for the most obscure characters, creepy Halloween music, fable tales and, of course, some excellent (or not so much, apparently) shooty shooties! Join Lauren, Monica and Alex as they ramble on about:
- The Weird Find of the Week: Genie that guesses what character you are thinking about akinator.com
- The Last Unicorn and The Flight of Dragons
- Mon reads Fables
- Alex went to Silent Hill Live for some doze of amazing but creepy music
- Halo 5: Guardians
- T.I.M.E. Stories
- Listener’s question – What was our game of the year 2014? (Thank you TheBarrelInTheRoom)
- Listener’s question – What game got us into gaming? (Thank you to Craig Hadley, we answered this properly this time)
- Extra Life is happening this Saturday 7th of November! Help us on our 24 hour gaming marathon to raise money for sick kiddos!