Home » Big Red Barrelcast 89: Bethesda Buggy

Big Red Barrelcast 89: Bethesda Buggy

The Big Red Barrelcast returns to tickle your eardrums with their ramblings! On this week’s episode, Kev, Dave and Pacman blabber on about The Witcher 3, guns and Godzilla.

This time, they pontificate about:

  • The Witcher 3
  • House of Wolves
  • Heroes of The Storm
  • Umbra
  • Star Drop
  • Ultra Street Fighter IV will allow you to use PS3 fight sticks
  • Doom
  • Need For Speed
  • Godzilla
  • Shout outs
  • Bonus content for our lovely app owners

We’d love to give you all some sort of incredible hug immediately followed by a polite conversation about how cool you are, but frankly we can’t afford the travel expenses. So, while we save our pennies, cents, and whatever the heck Canadians use, we’ll offer you some download links to help bide the time. Subscribe here. Here’s the RSS feed.  Leave an iTunes review here. Download the mp3 here.


  1. Don’t know if it’s been suggested before but you guys should do a live show!

  2. We used to do one but it became extremely difficult to find a time every week that would could record a live show as well as the traditional podcast (which is also the reason the Barrelcast is often all over the place in terms of release schedule as of the past several months). We’d love to do it again but finding the time is difficult. The episodes can be found over here though: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB3DE3F325C260AB1

    (Specifically you want the episodes with dates in the titles, which start around episode 23 I think)

  3. This just had me in a fit of laughter! Frontrunner for me, so far!


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