Home ยป BRB UK 84: 0898 PlayStation 4

BRB UK 84: 0898 PlayStation 4

Ahoy there, chaps and chapettes! The silly season of console launches is officially coming to a close (for the moment, anyway) with the EU launch of the PlayStation 4. Dan hasn’t picked one up, making him the honorary XbOnehead of the show, whereas Jon and Tim have both nabbed themselves a slice of next-gen Sony goodness.

This week, we burble about:

  • Tim’s played a new console that isn’t a XbOne or a PS4
  • PlayStation 4 impressions:
    • Hardware
    • Software
    • Killzone: Shadow FallResogunWarframe and other slabs of gaming goodness
  • Insert Coin Tees are wonderful people

We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.


  1. Excellent show as always guys. I still won’t be part of this generation for a while (this statement is very odd to me) and I’m firmly stuck in the past I’ll just keep trying to get through my pile of shame. Which means I’ll mostly be crying while attempting to finish my first playthrough of dark souls. One day I will join you in the lofty heights of new consoles but this will be a long time yet. Well, unless my 360 explodes that is.


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