Home » Big Red Barrelcast 32: Quality Bioshock Porn

Big Red Barrelcast 32: Quality Bioshock Porn

The Big Red Barrelcast returns to tickle your eardrums with their ramblings! On this week’s episode, Dave, Pacman and Kev ramble on about Ellen Page’s birthday suit, GTA Online, and Bioshock Infinite porn. Don’t forget to visit our sponsor Insert Coin Clothing and cover up your nakedness by using discount code BIGREDSAVINGS15 for 15% off your order!

This time, they pontificate about:

  • The Wolf Among Us
  • Beyond Two Souls and Naked Ellen Page
  • Assassin Creed 4 DLC announced already
  • Bioshock Infinite DLC
  • GTA Online and the C Walk
  • Diablo 3 Expanding
  • The Steam Box controller
  • Bioshock Infinite Porn
  • Xbone get the data, dolla, dolla bill yall
  • Shout outs
  • Some lovely bonus content for BRB podcast app owners.

We’d love to give you all some sort of incredible hug immediately followed by a polite conversation about how cool you are, but frankly we can’t afford the travel expenses. So, while we save our pennies, cents, and whatever the heck Canadians use, we’ll offer you some download links to help bide the time. Subscribe here. Here’s the RSS feed.  Leave an iTunes review here. Download the mp3 here.


  1. You guys mentioned that the internet making porn versions of female video game characters is misogynist. Can you please clarify your point on this? I ask, because while you might be able to stretch and claim that Elizabeth without clothes on or Samus having sex or something is somehow disrespectful to all women everywhere, I don’t understand how it is hateful. Maybe we can stop saying everything that doesn’t put the other gender (be it male or female) on a pedestal is misogynist and misandrist? As much as you and others in game journalism are stretching the use and definition of these words, you might as well admit that sex with your wife is an act of misogyny. I mean, come on, really now . . .

  2. ^ What? We NEVER said making porn versions of female video game characters was misogynistic. Nor did we EVER claim seeing Elizabeth or Samus naked was disrespectful to all women everywhere. Hateful? Never said that either. You’ve taken one line, said as a pretty blatant aside to the topic, and fabricated a platform to be upset about. What Kev said was “It’s alright though guys because lets not forget that misogyny and sexism doesn’t exist.” You are right that lots of people misuse the word misogyny et al. Too bad this was not one of those times.


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