Home » Big Red Barrelcast 4: A Big Sexy Sandwich

Big Red Barrelcast 4: A Big Sexy Sandwich

It was a slow news week while the gaming world went to PAX East, but Big Red Barrelcast powers through that to bring you another awesome episode! PacManPolarBear, Dave and Kev are here to talk about video games and whatever else we feel like pontificating about!

This time, they ramble on about:

  • Dave can’t drive 55
  • Borderlands 2 DLC
  • Something is invading XCOM at sometime
  • Saints Row IV: From The Crack House To The White House
  • the weekly Sim City update
  • Duck Tales is back baby!
  • EA’s CEO steps down
  • Double Fine’s new point and click ip
  • Shout outs
  • And some healthy bonus content for those lovely individuals amongst you that bought our App

We’d love to give you all some sort of incredible hug immediately followed by a polite conversation about how cool you are, but frankly we can’t afford the travel expenses. So, while we save our pennies, cents, and whatever the heck Canadians use, we’ll offer you some download links to help bide the time. Subscribe here. Here’s the RSS feed.  Leave an iTunes review here. Download the mp3 here.


  1. Aurochs you may be right, point and click adventure games could be really really successful on portable devices. At the very least we know Double Fine does good work so their point and click adventure may set the new standard.

    spikeychris a bigger Escape Velocity would be pretty damn sweet.

  2. Dangerous Brian I could always go for more high quality turn based RPG’s

  3. Having been missing the Blu show, a great new podcast has come along. Love the interaction between the three of you, just a really enjoyable show. Keep up the good work!

  4. Great as always gang.. I noticed the app links still go to Some Greasy site rather than brb!

  5. And we know we misspoke about The Force Unleashed etc being made by Bioware. Only two games have been made by Bioware. Our apologies. Most of what we said about SWKOTOR and SWTOR still stands though.


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