It’s time, once again, to put boom in your boom and listen to BRB Boom. This week, Yoshifett reunited with DogsDie and Smelly Pirate, and it feels so good, to chat about shower cleaning, the loss of Mighty Jim Mount and remembering the man that shaped the lives of the hosts.
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Thanks guys, what you’ve been through makes no sense. Hope doing this can make things a bit better. The podcast was a bit awkward at first, then the waffle stomp conversation happened and I knew everything would be OK.
There’s nothing that can’t be made better with some laughter.
I have been an avid listener to your show for several years now. I picked you guys up after stumbling across the old red show. Brown quickly became my favourite, and provided me many hours of brilliant content for my daily commute and genuinely helped during the trickier times I have personally had in the last few years. I’m devastated hearing about your tragic news, knowing myself personally how hard the death of a parent can be. Stay strong guys, much love to the podcast.
I’d like to thank you guys for sharing this event with us. Much like Mr Jim Mount made the people around him feel welcome, i feel like you guys treat us boombahs as family.
Having listened to you guys for so long, i feel like i have a personal connection to you (to some extent). That connection made your experiences with this tragedy have such a resonance within me, moreso than hearing some random guy’s sob story on the new or something.
I haven’t had to deal with the death of someone close to me, but when i inevitably do, i will keep your words in mind. Thanks again, and stay strong.
First I want to send love to the guys. I can tell by the way you talked you’re lucky to have had a man like that in your lives. And he’s lucky to have had you as well. I’m also glad the gang is back together. And you did not lie, I shed a tear. It’s amazing to be a Boombah and be let in so personally. My condolences.
I keep thinking about him wanting to see his hand. Is that phantom sensation? I’ve heard of that before, when the last thing someone feels is gripping the steering wheel. Just a thought. Much love to you and yours.
Just listened. I would like you to know i feel you guys like listening to a cousin. You guys are like some family for me. Love you guys. Greetings and a big hug from your amigo from México.