Welcome back to BRB Blu, the premier Sony podcast from BigRedBarrel.com. This week Rothbart, PacManPolarBear and Frawlz discuss the latest season of The Tester, Sony’s continued losses, you still can’t sue Sony, Lost Planet 3, a roomah and a few more nuggets of Sony goodness. There’s bonus content for BRB (formally that other site) iPhone and Android app users.
We appreciate you all taking time out of your day to listen to the show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or if you’re one of those “set it and forget it” types, you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS, or Zune and stay in “real-time.”
great show. keep em coming
I’m going to make a website called frawlztheunfrawlzable.com. With nothing but pictures of Frawlz bench pressing dudes.
Darth Nutclench
Great show and great bonus content too. If the bonus content had a title it would be called ‘Frawlz Latino hate-wank’.
Twice the whole way through but both times I loaded saves and messed around with dialogue choices and such at the end.
I’m almost done ME2 on PC which means I’ll soon re-experience 3 with a whole new set of choices having been made.
Ending of 3 aside, it’s still a fantastic series.