Home » Big Red Barrelcast 19: Bo Knows… FIXED EDITION

Big Red Barrelcast 19: Bo Knows… FIXED EDITION

We realized that the music got a little loud at the end of the episode, but it’s fixed now. Enjoy the show the way it was intended to be heard.

The Big Red Barrelcast returns to tickle your ear drums with their ramblings! On this week’s episode, Dave, Pacman and Kev discuss swamp nuts, Deadpool and Bo Jackson. Don’t forget to visit our sponsor Insert Coin Clothing and cover up your nakedness by using discount code BIGREDSAVINGS15 for 15% off your order!

This time, they ramble on about:

  • Deadpool
  • Dark
  • Runescape 3
  • A 21 mouse salute
  • Bo Jackson in NCAA 14
  • New Sim City DLC
  • Sony’s price fix
  • Destiny
  • Mattrick leaves Xbox
  • Shout outs
  • Some lovely bonus content for BRB podcast app owners.

We’d love to give you all some sort of incredible hug immediately followed by a polite conversation about how cool you are, but frankly we can’t afford the travel expenses. So, while we save our pennies, cents, and whatever the heck Canadians use, we’ll offer you some download links to help bide the time. Subscribe here. Here’s the RSS feed.  Leave an iTunes review here. Download the mp3 here.


  1. Damn, all that?!

  2. Wow, this Woosnam guy is incredible! According to the wikipedia entry he achieved all that whilst being a heavy smoker?!

    Runescape was fairly popular here in Singapore about 10 years ago, but never really garnered the same following some of the asian mmos did (maplestory chief among them). Looking at the screenshots of runescape 3, it’s pretty impressive! Especially considering it’s still a browser based mmo.

    Man, ball mice were pretty cool back then. Pretty reliable too, my laser mice tend to be a bit finicky now and then.

  3. Lewd is my favorite tad…


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