Home » Geek Speak 69: Physical or Digital?

Geek Speak 69: Physical or Digital?

Hello there!

On this episode of Geek Speak, Alex is joined by Diarmuid and a newcomer to podcasting (give her a warm welcome!) Kath. Together they chat about conventions, Lin-Manuel Miranda, video games music and much, much more! Please tune in for this week’s ramblings on:

  • Time-Waster of the Week: Movies with Mikey and Now Playing Podcast
  • Dragonmeet
  • New Mass Effect books and more
  • Moana
  • Skyrim in Concert, more information on Video Games Live
  • Listener’s Question: Was 3D TV just a flash in the pan? What about 4K and VR? Star Trek Holodecks?!?! (thanks, Unflushable!)
  • We read out your comments on digital vs physical media

Thanks you lovely Geek Peeps for giving our little show a listen, we really appreciate it. Did you know that you can download this butt-laden episode by clicking HERE to receive a lovely MP3 of the show? You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS feed or Stitcher and get all our new shows delivered automatically as they’re released.

1 Comment

  1. Skyrim sound track is awesome! One I really enjoyed was the OST for FF7: Advent Children, each piece would remind me of a scene from the film without being too much of a distraction from whatever work I was doing.
    One thing I like to do is to use the epic music compilations from YouTube. There’s one called Epicusic 2015 within Sheppard as the thumbnail that uses videos from video games and geeky films (Real Steel!) that had some amazing tunes, the kind that give you the tingles. The only problem is I end up watching them instead of working!


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