Home » Big Red Barrelcast 12: Ouya Money

Big Red Barrelcast 12: Ouya Money

The Big Red Barrelcast returns to tickle your ear drums! The show might be a little late, but Dave, Kev and Pacman pontificate about video games and video game accessories as usual.

This time, they ramble on about:

  • The Wonderful 101
  • The Fuse demo
  • Nintendo gets “Let’s Play” money
  • Nintendo’s E3 plans
  • EA isn’t developing Wii U games
  • the Ouya at E3… sort of
  • GT 6
  • Dark
  • EA gets rid of online passes
  • And some healthy bonus content for those lovely individuals amongst you that bought our App

We’d love to give you all some sort of incredible hug immediately followed by a polite conversation about how cool you are, but frankly we can’t afford the travel expenses. So, while we save our pennies, cents, and whatever the heck Canadians use, we’ll offer you some download links to help bide the time. Subscribe here. Here’s the RSS feed.  Leave an iTunes review here. Download the mp3 here.


  1. I’m not sure how to interpret Nintendo’s claim over the gameplay videos on youtube.

    Is it really about the money on this one? I doubt the money they will receive from this stunt will amount to anything substantial for a company as big as them.

    The Ouya team seems to be pretty confident though, considering their event will be completely open to everyone. But the fact that they’re sending out requests for developers 3 weeks before the event seems alarming to me.

    Thinking up a revised intro with the xbox ONE now a thing is impossible btw.

  2. Yeah, now we know to avoid it…


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