Home » Contest: WIN a Copy of Army of Two: TDC for Xbox 360 Thanks To EA

Contest: WIN a Copy of Army of Two: TDC for Xbox 360 Thanks To EA

If you live in the UK and are over 18 years old, then you too can be in an Army of Two… er, too, with Army of Two: 3  – otherwise known, if you’re a fan of words and accuracy, as Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel. You can win a copy of the game for Xbox 360 thanks to the lovely people at the evil mega-corporation that’s known to its Earth slaves as EA Games.


Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel is a game built around co-operative play for you and one other brother in arms. You take control of two new characters, Alpha and Bravo, with the story also featuring hip-hop stars Big Boi and B.o.B. as another tag-team of Tactical World Operatives.

To win a copy of the game for Xbox 360, simply answer the question below. The best (probably funniest) answer, submitted before Midnight, Tuesday 9th April 2013 (GMT) will win.


Which hip hop star would you recruit into your Army of Two and how would they help you in combat?


UK entries only. Multiple entries permitted on different days, but only one entry will be counted per person for every 24-hour period; BRB’s standard terms and conditions for contests also apply and can be viewed here.

Also, BRB advises against approaching any actual hip hop stars and attempting to sign them up to your team. It isn’t necessary for the contest and they can be dangerous in the wild.


  1. Snoop Dog

    -Forgetting the Snoop part of his name (why would anyone bring Snoopy to war?!), Dog can sound quite ferocious, hopefully creating a feeling of fear against others.

    -he’s recently cemented himself as the master of disguise with his genius name change to Snoop Lion, I really would have never have guessed it was him – great for later cover ups!

    -Those dreadlocks would be real handy for Rapunzel type lift ups into unreachable floors

    -Finally if it all goes wrong, he’s sure to help me disappear in a puff of smoke!

  2. I’d bring 50 Cent because the guy is bulletproof. Plus he’s been shot before.

  3. Probably Kanye West. He’d let the enemy finish… let them know that they’re good and all… but T.W.O is the best private military company of all time.

  4. Tu Pac – because he can re-spawn for concerts (be it in the form of a hologram)
    there fore if he Tu Pac dies he can then re-spawn as a hologram that couldn’t die again

  5. As per comp rules, having another go on another day and this time I’d like to put forward Jay-Z

    He may have 99 problems “but the bitch ain’t one” which means I wont have to deal with constant whines about how his misses butters his bread the wrong way or used the wrong starch on his boxers.

    The 99 problems he does have might give him enough rage to plough forward kicking ass and taking the heat off me! (So I can sit back and moan about my bitch whilst eating crap rolls with itchy nuts!)

  6. Vanilla Ice – the perfect co op partner, not only does he collaborate and listen, he has a brand new invention and I bet it’s AWESOME.

  7. Machine Gun Kelly, I hear he knows how to handle a sniper

  8. I’d probably go with Professor Green for one reason and one reason only. He looks like a more tattooed and slightly more hip-hop version of Simon Pegg

    If his films are anything to go by. Simon Pegg has survived a zombie Apocalypse and has some kick ass fire arm skills as Hot Fuzz proves.

    So I slightly more ghetto version of Mr Pegg would be just as good…. Right?

  9. It would have to be Flava-Flav. You could hide behind his top hat from snipers, dazzle the enemy with his gold teeth and always know what time it is with his comedy neck chain clock. Additionally if you get into any trouble you can always ‘Get the Fck outta Dodge’.

  10. PMSL , typical . I was the only entrant until Tuesday then loads , what a swizz !


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