Home » BRB UK 54: Army of Euphemisms

BRB UK 54: Army of Euphemisms

Pip pip! The BRB UK crew are back in full force, thanks to  our resident Scot taking a break from counting Murray Mints, to take on a jam-packed wodge of gaming news. So join Dan, Jon and Tim as they navigate their way round the week that was through the medium of talking utter codswallop.

This week, we prattle on about:

  • BRB COMMUNITY MEETUP: Loading Bar London’s Board Game Bash, 30th March 4pm – 10pm
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • Battlefield 4
  • Our God of War: Ascension woes
  • BioShock Infinite
  • Army of Two 3: The Devil’s Cartel
  • Tim finally finishes his TIGA round-up:
    • Deep Dungeons of Doom (iOS/Android)
    • GooHoo (iOS/Android)
    • Toast Time (iOS/Android)

We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.


  1. If you keep on with these masterbation euphemisms you’ll all come to a sticky end… (See what I did there?)

  2. As a barman in a quiet pub, I often pour a hand shandy…

  3. On the subject of games and not playing with ones self, I really want bio shock infinite. Excellent review guys. I’m trying not to join in the masturbation metaphors but: playing the pink oboe?

  4. Who hasn’t tugged on the pink Darth Vader? If you say know, you’re lying.

  5. I’ve just realised. We all a bunch of w*#kers!

  6. Always a pleasure to listen to, if its not Tim sounding like a 80’s remix “like, like, like, like” its Dan talking about arse, boobs or penis…

    Still love it though..

    oh and and “flogging the dolphin”


  7. Everyone at some point will have tried to uproot the pee-tree…


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