Ahoy hoy! It’s (finally) back to normal service this week in BRB UK towers, as Dan’s had the 21st Century plumbed back into his house. But there’s plenty to talk about this week – so join Dan, Jon and Tim as they engage in some idle chit-chat about the new hotness in videogames.
This week, we prattle on about:
- Capcom Arcade Cabinet (360/PS3)
- Omertà: City of Gangsters (360)
- Nintendo still exist
- PlayStation 4 event roundup:
- Hardware
- PSN, Gaikai and social integration
- Remote play and second screens
- DriveClub
- Watch_Dogs
- Infamous: Second Son
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Deep Down
- The Witness
- Blizzard were there
- Square Enix were also there
- David Cage loves all the polygons
- Media Molecule not such a big fan of all the polygons
- Destiny and Bungie’s middle finger to Microsoft
We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.
I’d just like to confirm I’m not dans weird secret lover and never have been 🙂
I’m pretty sure you are 😉
No, why would you think that? It’s just nasty 🙂
Another great show guys, nice to see Dan is back to put visions of Jon with his playstation in my head *shudder*
Nice to see my new name is catching on =P
Also like to say thanks for your playstation meeting coverage, because every other site on the Internet was down
Dangerous Brian
Another great BRB, very Playstationy. Also, I have no postcards but I can say I’m only a danger to myself.
Ridcullys Hat
Another classic dose of Britishness for us all! Again, great to hear BOTH of my names cocked up by the highland flinger (I used to date a Scottish girl, her dad always sounded angry. This means I understand everything Jon says). I’m leaving my thoughts on the PS4/PSdeath? Until the new cock box is announced with Microsofts usual self praising banality. I am interested in DESTINY! but the idea of it being permanently online worries me a bit as some people would rather not come into contact with singing/gobby/idiotic 13 year olds who shouldn’t be playing said game ANYWAY!
Don't tell 'Em Pike
Great episode guys, good to see Dan back, you got through a hell of a lot of PS4 awesomeness. So excited, particularly for infamous although I know you guys weren’t so pumped for it. Watch Dogs looks beautiful. In general just love this podcast, amusing, detailed and a general laugh. You guys are cool, nuff said.