It’s time, once again, to put boom in your boom and listen to BRB Boom. This week, Dogsdie, Smelly Pirate and Yoshifett nerd out about Valve’s new console, girls on game boxes, games with one fatal flaw, the deal of the week and other topics that affect today’s gamer.
Please be sure to subscribe to the BRB Boom feed on iTunes or RSS. If you insist, you can always just download the mp3. If you are currently using a computer with iTunes on it, would you mind heading over there and leaving some feedback?
Excellent show as always guys – I’m excited every time I click “update podcast” and a new episode downloads. Always an adventure, as Smelly had said 🙂
Big Red Barrel Boom, ahh ah, Big Red Barrel Boom, ahh ah Big Red Barrel Boom, Dogsdie, Yoshi and Smelly, Big Red Barrel Boom, Big Red Barrel Boom.
Whenever I see an episode I am instantly filled with the joy of lovely hummus. Gratz on putting an episode so quickly, 2 in almost 2 weeks! Good work!