Welcome back to BRB Blu, the premier Sony podcast from BigRedBarrel.com. This week Rothbart, Frawlz and PacManPolarBear discuss Sony Liverpool closing, Sleeping Dogs, OnLive, the latest Max Payne 3 DLC, da roomahs, and a few more nuggets of Sony goodness. We have bonus content for BRB iPhone and Android app users.
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Hey Guys,
Great episode, loved it!
I left a review on iTunes (5 Star of course)
On another note, do you agree with Guerrilla Games making a Killzone HD Collection?
I can agree on making KZ1 a HD title, but 2 and 3 are fairly recent games, I don’t see any need for them to rebundle it. I’d like to hear your thoughts.
Midget Porn…. Snaptastic
So what do you guys think about Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale?
I think it looks good, but I will be pissed if they don’t add Spyro or Crash, they were my favourite PS1 Characters, who do you want to be in there?
Calm down man,
It’s just a forum site,
no need to be arrogant,
PacMan, Rothbart and Frawlz does a great job every week to provide you with Playstation News
No need to be disrespectful 🙂