Home » Introducing Our New Hosting Agreements

Introducing Our New Hosting Agreements

We at Big Red Barrel are ridiculously excited to be announcing the following news. We’ve been in contact with some awesome video producers and writers across the internet and have come to agreements with them to host some of their content right here, making the Red Barrel that much Bigger!

You’ll now be able to catch the latest videos from Matt Cuttle of EA and GamesWeasel.com, the fantastic guys at True Gits and the new project from former members of Inside Xbox UK, Explosive Alan, right here on Big Red Barrel whenever new videos are available. We’ll also be adding more of this type of content in the very near future, so be sure to keep an eye on the front page of BRB and particularly be sure to keep watching the BRBTV panel in the middle of the front page for all the latest and greatest from what we are recommending for the discerning gamer.

We from the land of the Barrel would like to thank the owners of this content for the use on our site. Take a gander at their official pages for even more though:

Explosive Alan

Matt Cuttle

True Gits


  1. “We have learned how to embed youtube clips here”


  2. Thanks, Cal. It took us some time! = p We also learnt how to ask permission, which is nice! Very pleased to be able to present and recommend these high quality productions to our fans. You are welcome to trawl through the 1000’s of videos on YouTube yourself if you prefer = p

  3. I <3 TrueGits. Neil and Tom are awesome guys. Glad BRB got permissions for this. Nice addition to the site.

  4. Exciting times for the site and all involved


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