Home » BRB UK 142: The Greater of Two Dans

BRB UK 142: The Greater of Two Dans

In a world without Dan, there is only one thing Team BRB UK can do while they await his return… find another Dan! Yes that’s right, Tim & Coleman have gone and grabbed Dan Maher from Explosive Alan.

This week the trio will be babbling on about:

  • Another limited edition Mario Amiibo
  • Silly squishy boob doll from Konami
  • New LEGO Dimensions sets
  • Koji Igarashi launches Kickstarter for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
  • Assassin’s Creed Syndicate revealed
  • Splatoon
  • The Old Blood
  • Project CARS

We’ve unfortunately had a few technical issues with this week’s audio and though much work has gone into rescuing it as best as possible, it isn’t up to the full standard we’d like to provide our listeners. Normal service should resume next week.

We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show.  For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.
Thanks to our friends over at Insert Coin and in celebration of their new Metal Gear Solid 1984 Collection, we are giving our listeners the chance to win a £25 voucher code. All you have to do to enter is comment on this here forum (either Big Red Barrelcast, BRB UK or Geek Speak) and let us know, just what were you doing in 1984? Don’t worry you can make it up and say something like “Drinking a tab clear with Arnie and Regan while playing Space Invaders!
As if a competition wasn’t enough excitement f0r you, we’ve also got a 20% discount code for all of our dear listeners to use on any of the fine products over at Insert Coin. Simply use the code ICBRB20 when checking out and enjoy.
Written by
Podcast voice guy, occasional animator and sometimes I even write words for you to read

1 Comment

  1. In 1984 I was training to become an Olympic swimmer, 4 years before I was born…


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