Home » BRB Boom 6: Kick The Bobo

BRB Boom 6: Kick The Bobo

It’s time to, once again, put boom in your boom and listen to BRB Boom.  Join DogsDie, Smelly Pirate and Yoshifett as they nerd out about Angry Birds In Space, Hunger Games not having a game, Mormon moments, a deal of the week and other topics that effect today’s gamer.

Please be sure to subscribe to the BRB Boom feed on iTunes or RSS. If you insist, you can always just download the mp3. If you are currently using a computer with iTunes on it, would you mind heading over there and leaving some feedback? Thanks for the Diggs!


  1. Best show on the site.

    Boomers unite.

  2. There is a Hunger Games video game on iOS and I think there is one on Facebook too.


    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Radio Play is actually the original version of the story! The book was written afterwards based on it. It is amazing and hilarious and great to listen to on the bus/car or anywhere else. RECOMMENDDDDDD

    I’m glad someone else listens to it. Love you Yoshi

  4. If they made a Hunger Games game, I think it should be an open world type of RPG where the you can go anywhere in the entire battle area thing. And if it was single player, they should use the AI system they used for Skyrim dragons where the AI doesn’t have mapped out movements and every encounter with AI is unique.


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