Home » Big Red Flix 6: Rotting Our Brains

Big Red Flix 6: Rotting Our Brains

Welcome back for another episode of Big Red Flix, BigRedBarrel.com’s movie podcast. Dave, Jitterbug and Yoshifett really rotted their brains with Clash Of The Titans, Drag Me To Hell, 50/50, Elite Squad, Pearl Jam 20, Being Elmo and several other movies. They rotted their brains so much that the trailer trash had to get pushed to the bonus content, which is available to iPhone and Android app users.

Check back next week because the crew will be discussing The Princess Bride.

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  1. Just to clarify, Chicago won Best Picture the year it was nominated

  2. About the movie Elite Squad. Comparing military and police is like comparing the government and the president (ok, bad analogy). One belongs to another. And there are the military police(1) (which in Brazil each state have one) and the “normal” police (2) (the civil police, these don’t have uniforms). The movie only talks about the military police from Rio de Janeiro, in particular, BOPE (3).
    I would recommend Elite Squad 2 (a better movie indeed).

    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_Military_Police
    2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Police_%28Brazil%29
    3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batalh%C3%A3o_de_Opera%C3%A7%C3%B5es_Policiais_Especiais

    BTW, are you guys gonna make some episodes about The Lord of the Ring (the extended edition. of course!)? I really wanna hear what you guys (specially Jitterbug) has to say about it, scene by scene!. I’m looking forward to heard the next show (about The Princess Bride), because is one great movie!

  3. The Princess Bridge? Dissapointing. 🙁

  4. Bride*… Ooops.

  5. @torz have we ever let you down?

    @xplay it is a sequel.

    @dogtoro blame Jitterbug and Yoshi.

  6. Any plans to get the ‘cast on zune? Would save me alot of time.


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