It’s time for the weekend to begin which will see an event so huge that it will bring this great country of ours together… the OnRush open beta is now available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! Also, the Royals have some kind of shindig going on, some wedding or something.
Anyway, Dan, Tim & Coleman all want to go smash some cars together so here’s a new episode of Big Red Barrel UK to keep yourselves amused with.
Included in this week’s show:
- Boss Key Productions shut down
- Microsoft reveals the Xbox One Adaptive controller
- Rage 2 has actually been announced
- Dan grabs Immortal Redneck for the Nintendo Switch
- Tim admires Raging Justice, I Expect You to Die and an Oculus Go up close
- Coleman is blazing all the trails in Trailblazers
Also, if you’re a fan of Tim’s particular brand of virtual reality-based waffle, you might be interested to know that he’s joined forces with Kev and Diarmuid to put together a new show. Peripheral Vision is our new VR show podcast and you can listen to the pilot episode in the Big Red Barrelcast‘s feed.
We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Stitcher and stay up to date.