After ten months of exile and two missing recordings, it is finally time for Big Red Barrel Boom to return!
Sadly we’re down a Dogsdie for this episode but Smelly and Yoshifett are more than capable to talk that extra amount. So get ready for talk about politics, movies, shows, hip-hop, video games (that can’t be right?) and there’s even a Friendaversary to be celebrated.
So shout along as we can say once again… it’s time for the BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
Please be sure to subscribe to the BRB Boom feed on iTunes or RSS. If you insist, you can always just download the mp3. If you are currently using a computer with iTunes on it, would you mind heading over there and leaving some feedback?
Aww yeah!
Me: I love you
BRB Boom: I know
*Freezes in carbonite until next year
johny chicken
Hey, im just catching up after a year, im glad you guys are back. Make it BOOM dem!