Oh hey there, lovely! Here is a new episode of Geek Speak for you!
On this episode, we were missing Lauren, who was away doing stuffs in the name of Big Red Barrels. However, our very own Coleman come to the rescue and joined Alex and Jo to talk films, TV shows, games and more.
On this episode we ramble about:
- Time-Waster of the Week: Death of a Game (courtesy of Spikeychris)
- The Founder
- Titanfall 2
- The Good Wife and The Good Fight
- Dimension Drive
- Overwatch news
Our logo is courtesy of Monica Ion.
Thanks you lovely Geek Peeps for giving our little show a listen, we really appreciate it. Did you know that you can download this butt-laden episode by clicking HERE to receive a lovely MP3 of the show? You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS feed or Stitcher and get all our new shows delivered automatically as they’re released.