Hello there you lovely lizards. It’s time for another episode of BRB UK and it’s a big one! But not only is this a super long show, it’s also and EGX special that was recorded in our super secret hideout at the NEC.
Joining Coleman & Tim this week are Geek Speak’s Alex & Lauren, Bleezey and Neil… but wait, there’s more! We have John Hibbens from Psytec Games, Dan Puzey from Big Robot Games, Throughline Games’ Alfred Nguyen & Michael Godlowski-Maryniak, James Brown from Boneloaf, Rob Saxton from Aniode and James Megretton & Seb Liese from Sumo Digital.
Be sure to check out all of these cool games mentioned on the show:
- Windlands
- The Signal From Tölva
- Forgotten Anne
- Gang Beasts
- Nature’s Zombie Apocalypse
- Unseen Diplomacy
- Destiny: Rise of Iron
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole
- WWE 2K17
- Titanfall 2
- Gears of War 4
- She Remembered Caterpillars
Now please bear in mind that this episode was recorded with the purpose of also publishing on our YouTube channel BigRedBarrel TV, so there may be a few technical hiccups along the way – also, make sure to keep an eye out for the upcoming video.
We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Stitcher and stay up to date.
Tornado Energy were nice enough to supply us with a huge amount of their drinks for the show, which made for a very happy Coleman.
Ridcullys Hat
Excellent show as always guys.