Home » Geek Speak 46: RYUU GE WAGA TEKI WO KURAU!


The fearless leader of BRB Geek Speak, Lauren was off sick this episode, so Alex took up the rains and… well, she tried… but things went a little bit out of sorts. Our glorious editor and SpoilSports host Diarmuid came to our rescue and took the 3rd chair. Together, Alex, Monica and Diarmuid talked Overwatch, possible James Bond actors, the UK Games Expo… but mostly about Overwatch.

  • First up, as usual, is our Tim-Wa… oh, wait, Alex messed up the show order. First up is James Bond chat.
  • Time-Waster of the Week: Cracked After Hours Show (courtesy of PacManPolarBear)
  • Overwatch, Overwatch and – you got it! – more Overwatch
  • Also you can read Diarmuid’s Overwatch review here
  • Overwatch Best Shot (by Oli and Monica)
  • Bastion’s highlight video link
  • UK Games Expo, you can read about Alex’s coverage here
  • Dark Souls – The Board Game
  • Warcraft: The Beginning (with minor spoilers from 55.24-59.56)
  • Listener question: What are our favourite YouTube channels? (Thanks, Richard Kirke)

Episode 46 question for YOU:

What is the favourite piece of geek tat that you own?

Let us know below this post!

Thanks you lovely Geek Peeps for giving our little show a listen, we really appreciate it. Did you know that you can download this butt-laiden episode by clicking HERE to receive a lovely MP3 of the show? You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS feed or Stitcher and get all our new shows delivered automatically as they’re released.

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