Hello and welcome to another episode of BRB Geek Speak! Lauren is back! Also we developed an allergy for our agenda. Which means that we ended up talking about Welsh cities, books we read for English class in school, Kenneth Branagh as a secret Russian (possibly only in Monverse) and escapee prisoners from nearby prisons… and occasionally we returned back on topic! Nevertheless, we hope you will enjoy our ramblings. Please join Lauren, Monica and Alex as they geek out about:
- Time-Water of the Week: Pocket Mortys, a mobile game
- Persona 4: Dancing All Night
- Olympus Has Fallen
- … we get sidetracked talking about books we had to read in school and other things…
- PG-13 cut for Deadpool – yay or nay?
- Banana song link
- A Knight of Seven Kingdoms (A Song of Ice and Fire prequel)
- We moan about delayed books in various series, including The Kingkiller Chronicles
- Whatever Blog by John Scalzi
- Listener’s question: What are our sensible and crazy predictions for this year? Also what genre will this year be? (Thank you, Ceasis!)
- NSFW jiggly butt!
Great show ladies! The sidetracking/off topic distractions are still thoroughly entertaining so no need for apologies!
The only book I remember reading in high school was Of Mice & Men, which we analysed into oblivion, and to the point I never need to read it again…
I may have chosen to forget GCSE English after a particular lesson where I had to read the “Churning Day” poem out loud in class. It has some dubious sounding lines that, when combined with a dirty mind, change the entire narrative… For example “Out came the four crocks, spilled their heavy lip of cream, their white insides, into the sterile churn.”.
Alex, have you read Scott Lynch’s Gentleman Bastards books? First one is The Lies of Locke Lamora, if you like Kingkiller Chronicles you should enjoy them as well.
Re Goodreads,
I am (are you, you on there or dusty tulip or some such?)
That’s right!
friend request sent