Hey you… yeah you reading this, you’re looking good. Welcome to another episode of Big Red Barrel UK, the podcast for good looking individuals such as yourself. Dan, Tim & Coleman are here once more to sit down and talk into some microphones for your audio pleasure.
So join in with Team BRB UK as they babble on about the following:
- Xbox gets another update
- Boris Johnson announces Games London
- Minecraft gets educational
- Details on The Division‘s beta
- Nintendo faces controversy again with Fire Emblem Fates
- Amiibo update with Twilight Princess & Star Fox Zero
- New titles added to Xbox One’s backwards compatibility
- Dan & Tim try out Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
- Coleman gets deep into Undertale
We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Stitcher and stay up to date.
Enjoying the BRB UK Podcast but still hungry for more? Maybe you should go and take a look at our new animated series Press Start.
[youtube id=”TZ7vKynvAKw&list=PLeaT4zRRBGI5orSVKyS5XTYocMYgU76db”]
Loved the show chaps
Wonder how much of a showing there will be at the GamesLondon.
Great show, but how bad a recording must it have been when Tim was the one trying to keep Dan and Coleman on topic?!?