Hey you, the wonderful folk! Welcome to another week of BRB Geek Speak. Your hosts, Lauren, Monica and Alex were very excited about all the E3 goodness as well as other geeky and wonderful things:
- Mass Effect: Andromeda
- Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2
- We get slightly derailed with the stories of deadly board game towers that are destined to bury Alex in her living room
- XBone backwards compatibility and Mon’s great shout to Get Well Gamers
- Lauren is excited about Fallout 4 and is slave to the evil mistress that is Fallout Shelter
- Cuphead
- Drawn to Death
- Gears of War
- World of Final Fantasy
- FF7 Remake
- South Part: The Fractured but Whole
- We get derailed by mountains of swag…
- Kingdom of Hearts 3 – Mon and Lauren try to figure out what the story has been so far
- The Last Guardian
- Start Wars Battlefront – Lauren and Alex become Master Mon’s padawans
- Rare Collections
- Alex geeks out about gorgeous gay Welsh men… wait, what? Torchwood, we are taking about Torchwood
- Listener’s question: What web comics do we read? (Thanks to Aurochs for the question)
- Shoutouts to the lovely, lovely listeners
No more warm and fuzzies because I don’t want to play PVZGW2? I think we can rekindle the spark when Battlefront comes out.