Why, hello there! It’s that time of the week for you to engage in a smidge of British video gaming goodness with Dan, Jon and Tim.
This week, we blather on about:
- Dan’s PlayStation U-turn continues – he picked up a Vita Slim
- Minecraft for the Xbox One, PS4 and Vita gets a release date
- Switch Galaxy Ultra
- Another month, another Xbox One system update
- Halo director gets grumpy
- Digital pre-orders for Destiny go live on the PlayStation Store
- SingStar will be warbling its way to the PS4
- Details on Far Cry 4 get leaked on Uplay
- The Division might get delayed even further
- Transistor
- Wolfenstein: The New Order
- Jon watched X Men: Days of Future Past
We’d love to hear from you, so feel free to drop us a line (or even a short MP3) at brbuk@bigredbarrel.com.
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