Unbelievably, Dan, Jon and Tim have managed to reach 100 episodes – despite the lack of things happening on Thursdays in the Scottish continent. So pull up a chair and enjoy the very first decagenarian instalment of BRB UK. Trust us, we may be older, but we’re certainly none the wiser.
This week, we burble about:
- Incoming PS4 system update
- BRB UK returns to the Scottish Car Show in Edinburgh on July 20th
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown probes Android devices
- Rampant firings continue in the games industry
- Watch_Dogs multiplayer footage surfaces
- Next Call of Duty teased with a beardy face
- Snoop Dogg sells out (again) with a Call of Duty: Ghosts announcer pack
- Nintendo Pocket Football Club (3DS)
- Short Peace: Ranko Tsukigime’s Longest Day (PS3)
- Trials Fusion (PC, PS3, PS4, 360, Xbox One)
- Trials Frontier (iOS)
We’d love to hear from you, so feel free to drop us a line (or even a short MP3) at brbuk@bigredbarrel.com.
We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.
Ridcullys Hat
Happy 100th!!!! Did you get a telegram from the madge? You certainly should have.
Congratulations on the 100th episode guys 🙂
About the new CoD, seeing the trailer now, it just looks like they bought off Crysis really.