Hold on to your cravats โ there’s proper, genuine, bonafide gaming news and exclusives on this week’s BRB UK! Dan and Tim are joined by Oli Smith, resident purveyor of board games and, more importantly, Producer of Alien: Isolation at Creative Assembly.
These orations from outer space include:
- Dan’s still playing Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
- Tim’s been marvelling at hair in Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
- Incoming Xbox One system updates
- Cancer Research UK’s potentially life-saving Play to Cure: Genes in Space
- Warface beta launches on the Xbox 360
- Bravely Default
- All kinds of goodies, info and insights on Alien: Isolation
We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.
Ridcullys Hat
Awesome show as always chaps and alien: isolation looks and sounds amazing. Am I the only one that is curious as to what a timomorph would look like?
Ridcullys Hat
I have to say that Tim is right to stick to his guns. The reviews for ryse aren’t great but as long as you enjoy yourself that’s the point of gaming right? It may not be remembered as q great but we all have our guilty pleasures that we enjoy yet never got good reviews or are not held in high reguard by the majority. Even in movies or music there are some that we’d be chastised by our friends for liking but we still enjoy them.