Pip pip, one and all! For a refreshing change, Jon manages to work out Thursdays and joins Dan and Tim for a gentle romp around the week’s gaming news.
This week’s burblings feature:
- GAME are jonesing to get back onto the stock market
- Machinima and Microsoft engage in some advertorial skullduggery
- The National Porn Filter breaks League of Legends
- King.com go a bit crazy with trademarks
- Nintendo take a financial hammering
- Wii U gets a price drop
- Is Nintendo preparing a true ‘next-gen’ console?
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Parents learn to use computers = best solution
Another great episode :3
Ridcullys Hat
Am I the only one in thinking that this ‘saga’ trademark debacle is just totally out of order for the elderly? I mean, if king have decided that they own the rights to the word then who will take the elderly on coach holidays?
Ridcullys Hat
See? Kings copyright claim will leave thousands of elderly people stranded and with no way of playing bingo on the British coast. Thus the loss of revenue to Margate and Bournemouth (among others) will be catastrophic! Who will stop the madness? I can hear the complaints now ‘this wouldn’t have happened in my day’!