Home » Contest: Win a Copy of The Wolverine on Blu-Ray!

Contest: Win a Copy of The Wolverine on Blu-Ray!

With recent purchases of shiny new consoles and equally shiny new games, you may not have even had time to notice that you just acquired a shiny new Blu-Ray player too! But with all your money spent, how are you going to be able to afford excellent new movies like an uncut extended edition of The Wolverine on Blu-Ray so that you can take advantage? Well, you could try being rich and buying your own copy from the shops, but failing that, you could just enter our contest to win yourself a copy!


I am the best at what I do and what I do is give away free Blu-Rays!


All you have to do is answer the simple question below before the cut off date. One winner will be chosen at random;

Q: In The Wolverine, Logan faces off against one of his greatest opponents in the form of the Silver Samurai, can you name another friend or foe that Wolverine regularly battles in the Marvel universe?

All answers will be entered into a prize draw and one of the answers will be chosen at random to win the copy of the movie. Please note that as this is being sent out directly by lovely people from Fox Home Entertainment, *I* am placing a limit on this being UK only. All entries will only be counted as valid if made before 12 Midnight on Sunday 8th December. As it is an 18 certificate movie, I will only allow existing forum members to be eligible, as it is easier to identify the age of the recipient. All other standard BRB contest terms and conditions apply and can be read here.



  1. Sabretooth

  2. Sabertooth

  3. Sabretooth


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