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WIN!!! A Ticket For Eurogamer Expo and the StickTwiddlers After Party

Okay. You’re a geek – and not because you wear one of those T-shirts that tells the world in huge letters, but because you know what is happening in the world of video games this week – that’s right – Eurogamer Expo is upon us once again. Which also means, another excellent Stick Twiddlers after party to look forward to!

Despite upping the amount of people at this year’s Expo by 40%, it sold out in record-breaking time. As it stands, both the Eurogamer Expo and the Stick Twiddlers after party have been completely sold out for quite some time. So, what do you do if you haven’t got a ticket already? Well don’t worry, Big Red Barrel has you covered with a little help from our friends over at Eurogamer and Stick Twiddlers.


We have one Eurogamer Expo afternoon ticket for entrance on the Saturday 28th September and one ticket to the Stick Twiddlers after party. Combined they are the hottest ticket in geekdom! And we would like to invite one of our forum members to join us! All you have to do is answer the one simple question below before 11pm (BST) on Wednesday 25th September.

Q. Which gaming character would you bring with you to the party and why?

The best (probably funniest) answer will win the prize, in the event of equal funniness a winner will be selected at random. Only pre-existing forum members entries will qualify. Probably most suitable for a UK resident, but I won’t restrict it as such if someone feels like being extravagant. As the party ticket gives access to a pub and includes two free drinks will say entrants must be over 18 years old. Prize tickets will be supplied via email. Multiple entries permitted, but no more than one in a 24 hour period. All other standard BRB terms and conditions apply and can be read here.




  1. I would be Trevor from GTA 5, come on, who would not want to be him? Going around like a absolute nut job

  2. id definately take zangief from street fighter ….if anything his ridiculous amount of bodily hair might scare the bartender into giving us more than two free drinks and also the fact he wrestles bears for fun! itd be a fun night of drink vodka and wrestling pigeons

  3. Trevor from GTA5 is a really great shout. He’s kind, honest and caring. All the qualities you want in a date.

    But if you’re partying, you’ve gotta take Parappa The Rapper. Guy has got mad skills and you’d be the hit of the party fo sho!

  4. I would take Connor Kenway with me after all he’s been through after AC3 & ToKW he needs drink and at least one good moment in his life.

  5. I’d probably take Gordon Freeman – I’m incredibly anti-social so I wouldn’t want to take anyone who I’d have to make idol conversation with. Plus, I usually try and stay close to people who would be good in a crisis – just in case of armageddon or a zombie apocalypse.

    It’s better to be safe than sorry right?

  6. Well this is a no brainer – clearly I’d take Gragas from League of Legends.

    There is no greater drinking buddy than the big guy who brings his own explosive flasks to the party, which not only means more alcohol, but also keeps things alive and interesting, if not a little on edge. He charges straight into the bar and when things get tough, his solution is to DRINK MORE.

    And of course, when the party really gets into the swing of things – we start Ultin’ Gragas Style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJNAxIuHWjI

  7. Sparx from the Spyro series, he can be my drunk-o-meter (sounds like a weird Ratchet + Clank gun) for the night so I can stop before the one drink too many! Or perhaps take Sly Cooper and never pay for a drink the entire night?


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