Home » BRB Boom 53: The Mighty Jim Mount

BRB Boom 53: The Mighty Jim Mount

It’s time, once again, to put boom in your boom and listen to BRB Boom. This week, Yoshifett is joined by Samusfett and DeadpooleSky have geekgasms as they geek out about DogsDie and Smelly Pirate’s Dad, teaching hard knocks, things of the week, a McDonald’s secret, words that set Yoshi off, COD’s control style, Pokemon, COD Backlash and whatever random topics come to mind.

Please be sure to subscribe to the BRB Boom feed on iTunes or RSS. If you insist, you can always just download the mp3. If you are currently using a computer with iTunes on it, would you mind heading over there and leaving some feedback?


  1. Great episode, kept me going while i’m labouring over school assignments.

    It may just be me, but i always hear a hint of trepidation whenever Yoshi hosts. Don’t be afraid to take this show wherever you deem fit dude! It’s not gonna be the same without the Mount Bros anyway, might as well spin a different yarn. I liked Samusfett and deadpoolesky in this episode, wouldn’t mind hearing them again. I really appreciate the extra time and effort you’ve taken hosting these last few episodes, keep em coming!

    To Smelly and Dogsdie: From what little i’ve gleaned about your father through the podcast, i’d have to say he sounds like a very funny and big-hearted man. I sincerely wish you guys all the best.

  2. Not being a particularly emotional “type”, and finding my own attempts at well-wishing somewhat disingenuous sounding to my ears, I will only say that I hope his diagnosis is as positive as possible under the circumstances, and wish him a kind recovery. Being Atheist, I won’t pray, but rather hope that the comfort of family and friends will assist in troubled times, and that the Father they know and love, maintains his humour and spirited nature throughout.

    That said, a free podcast, takes a distant backseat to real world crises, so if you feel the need to take a break – do so. At a certain point the familiarity of people, you’ve never met, makes issues such as quality, format, topics, etc irrelevant. We just want you there, when your ready. Cheers

  3. Sad Sad days for the Mount family my heart goes out to them.

    Great to hear DPS on a BRB podcasts it’s great to get some of the old community back together.


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