Home » Contest: WIN! LEGO! Thanks to LEGO Hero Factory Brain Attack

Contest: WIN! LEGO! Thanks to LEGO Hero Factory Brain Attack

If you are the type of person who has LEGO bricks on the brain then you are probably already aware of the LEGO Hero Factory Brain Attack range of construction kits, but you might not yet be aware of the recently released free-to-play games based on the toys for iOS and Android.

To raise more awareness for these well-constructed heroes, we have teamed up with the lovely people at Amuzo Games in order to bring you a contest of heroic proportions – and LEGO.


To win a construction kit for the LEGO Hero Factory Brain Attack character named Bulk (pictured above), simply complete the statement below in the comments section of this post. The best (and probably funniest) answer, submitted before midnight, Tuesday 23rd April 2013 (BST) will win. Favour will likely be given to answers that incorporate elements of the game.


To enter complete the following statement using 50 words or less: I need to build a LEGO Hero to save my day because…


Worldwide entries permitted. Multiple entries permitted on different days, but only one entry will be counted per person for every 24-hour period; BRB’s standard terms and conditions for contests also apply and can be viewed here.

A BIG thanks to Amuzo Games for supplying the prize. LEGO Hero Factory Brain Attack is available to download for FREE on iOS and Android NOW!


  1. I need to build a LEGO Hero to save my day because my nephew would beat me over the head for it if I didn’t get him one!

  2. I need to build a LEGO hero to save my day because Dan has created a weather machine to make it rain Balls,he has gone ball crazy.

  3. I need to build a LEGO Hero to save my day because…

    i need a hero to go to my office and punch my nefarious boss and to pummel the lunch caterer on his way out 😀

  4. I need to build a LEGO Hero to save my day because LEGO… ’nuff said.

  5. I need to build a LEGO Hero to save my day because I already built an Eggo hero. But then I ate him. Now I have no heros 🙁

  6. I need to build a LEGO Hero to save my day because I need to do something with those LEGOs on the floor THEY HURT SO MUCH TO STEP ON PLEASE HELP ME.

  7. I need to build a LEGO hero to save my day because the console war is still raging on and no one winner has been found yet and SOPA and PIPA have been reborn badder and meaner . I need my hero to rescue me and let the battle continue.

  8. I need to build a LEGO hero to save my day because my sister’s Duplo army is growing steadily, week by week. I can feel their shady eyes weighing me up, biding their time until they have the forces to take me down. Without a LEGO hero I’ll be utterly helpless!

  9. I need to build a LEGO hero to save my day because I haven’t built any LEGO things in over a decade. I’ve been trying to remember my last LEGO project and I can’t, and that’s really disconcerting.

  10. I need to buld a lego hero because ive never ever bult any lego thins in my hole life and I think it will be fun if I can create a lego hero plus my wee sis will kill me if I dont make a hero


    Thanks for the entries, I did feel sorry for those that mentioned that they hadn’t had a chance to build anything with LEGO now/ever, but overall my favourite answer was given by our winner….Aurochs!
    Well done buddy, I liked the idea of sending support to help you fend off the might Duplo army = )

    PM me your postal details and I will send out your hero.

    Thanks to everyone else that entered, there should be a new contest going up later today.


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